Code Breaker Solver:

Struggling to win at the Code Breaker mode? Try this tool:

How to use:

1. Follow the sequence shown in the grey block above and put it into the game.
2. Click "Next".
3. Take note of the results shown in the game. These ones:

4.  Enter the first two numbers in the black blocks above, using the buttons or writing them inside.
5. Hit "Next".
6. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 until your game is finished.
7. Click "Restart" to generate new game.


I didn't win on my first try, what just happened?:

The solver is not 100% effective the first time, if you see you couldn't win at first just run another match and continue with the same pattern you end up on the previous match. The Code Breaker game mode will always require you to put the same arrow sequence to win, even if you lose, the pattern will not reset until you finally win, so if you couldn't win the first time I can guarantee that you will win the second!

I messed up and put the wrong values in the solver, what can I do?

You can revert to your previous action by pressing the "Undo" button.

I've lost but my inputs were correct in the site and in the game, what happened?

Remember when I said that the solver is not 100% effective? Well, that happens, but it's extremely rare, in my experience I've seen this behavior in 1 of 150 matches.


The Codebreaker Solver is based on the Mastermind Solver code made by NebuPookins, I just simplified their version for its use with the WWE Supercard game mode.